We have over 30 years experience of servicing sit on mowers from the smaller Ride on machines to more complex Ride on Tractors, Triples and Compact Diesel Tractors
Basic Service includes the following. We carry all of the service work out in our fully equipped workshops, and if you cannot deliver the machine to us then we can arrange collection and return on our vehicles.
* Clean machine, engine, tractor and mower cutter deck. * Change engine oil, air, oil and fuel filters as necessary, spark plug. * Clean fuel system, carburetor, fuel tank. * Check engine cooling fins and cooling system. * Sharpen blades. * Level cutter deck * Check safety cut out systems. * Lubricate and adjust cables, drive system and belts. Clean and reassemble. * Check blade is straight and cutting evenly. * Treat fuel with fuel stabilizer/cleaner * Check and adjust tyre pressures. * Check all belts. * Grease and lubricate steering and hardware. * Grease and lubricate bearings on cutter deck and wheels.
Prices below include all standard items like air filter, oil filter, fuel filters, spark plugs and engine oil but items like blades and belts where necessary will be charged as extra. Blade sharpening is included.
Where we find additional faults like electro clutches, gearboxes or major engine problems we will advise with a set quote.
In addition to service costs we offer a basic breakdown or "Get Going" option although it is difficult to give confirmed pricing as each machine can have different issues. We can assess and give a price when we have the machine in our workshops.
Single cylinder engine machines up to 40" cut (102cm) £282.00 inc VAT (£235.00 + VAT) Twin engine cylinder machines up to 40" cut £306.00 inc VAT (£255.00 + VAT) Twin cylinder petrol machines up to 50" cut £360.00 inc VAT (£300.00 + VAT) Larger machines up to 54" cut (138cm) small compacts £390.00 inc VAT (£325.00 + VAT)